Online Lottery Sites

Online lottery sites bring the games to you. You can choose your numbers and purchase tickets without leaving home, avoiding the hassle of going to a store, buying paper and pen, and filling in all those little bubbles. Online lottery sites also make prize collection easier. They often send a check or direct deposit to winners, while prizes under $600 are paid via an electronic transfer.

The best online lottery sites will allow you to create a profile to keep track of your winnings. This profile will also let you choose your preferred payment method. Usually, credit cards and eWallets are accepted. Make sure to use a reputable payment service to avoid any scams.

Several US states now offer lottery tickets online directly through the official state lotteries. These include Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Several third-party courier services also operate in states that don’t sell their own tickets directly.

If you are planning to buy lottery tickets, you can find out if your state’s lottery allows online purchases using the interactive map below. Click on one of the 10 boxes to visit your state’s lottery website and see if they accept online purchases. If your state doesn’t yet offer its own lottery site, you can still play the games through Jackpocket and TheLotter, two major courier services that offer lottery tickets in 18 states and Washington D.C.. These businesses act as bookmakers and take your bets on various lottery results.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
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