SBOBET is a respected bookmaker with an excellent reputation in Asia and Europe. Their licenses from the First Cagayan Leisure and Resort Corporation in the Philippines and the Government of the Isle of Man confirm their dedication to responsible gaming. They also have links to problem gambling resources and promote safe gambling limits.

Founded in 2004, Sbobet is an international betting company offering sports, games and horseracing. They have a wide range of betting markets and a mobile site for users who prefer to wager on the go. The website features a simple interface and is easy to navigate. The website is available in several languages and offers a variety of deposit methods. Besides, the site offers live chat support and a FAQ section.

Sbobet has an excellent selection of sports events to choose from, including a comprehensive list of soccer matches. They also offer Asian handicap lines and a large selection of props on other sporting events, such as golf. Their unique betting odds give them an edge over their competitors.

The site’s sports betting interface is highly customisable, allowing punters to set their own minimum and maximum accepted stakes on each individual market. This prevents them from losing their money if the odds change before the bet is processed. Moreover, the site allows players to cash out open bets for a reduced payout before the game is finished.

The SBObet WAP and Mobile Web platforms provide a real-time betting experience, enabling punters to make instant wagers on their smartphones. The platform offers a full suite of mobile casino games and live streaming on selected games. In addition, the company offers generous promotions and bonuses to its new and loyal customers.

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Cape Town, South Africa