What is Live Casino?

Live casino is a type of online gambling in which a dealer runs a game from a real casino gaming table and players make betting decisions on their computer, tablet or mobile device. The games are streamed via a video camera and the results of each bet get logged into a database. The software compares the results with player bets and, if there is a winning combination, it instantly pays out into your casino account.

Live casinos are hosted in secure studios overseen by professional dealers. They feature HD streaming, RFID sensors and specialised IT and audio equipment. They also typically have a wide range of games such as baccarat, roulette and blackjack. During the game, players can interact with the dealer via text chat or message him or her directly. In addition to this, some games allow you to place multiple bets during a single round and some include special effects such as a bouncing ball or a flaming wheel of fortune.

Before playing a live casino game, it is important to understand the rules and be comfortable with the betting system. Then, you can choose the game that best suits your budget and experience level. It is also wise to choose a licensed online casino and look for responsible gambling logos. Remember that gambling comes with risk and it is not a good idea to chase losses or play for money that you cannot afford to lose.

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