Online poker offers the same basic rules as live play, except that you are dealt your hole cards electronically and community cards are displayed on your computer screen. You can choose whether to call, raise or fold your hand and you can use a variety of in-game features like hand history reviews, player statistics and tutorials to improve your game.
One of the most important aspects of successful poker play is to stay mentally sharp and focused on the game. Avoid distractions like streaming videos, checking email or going to get food or drink. These non-game related distractions can make it easy to misread your opponent’s action or make impulsive decisions. A well-focused mind will also help you make better choices at the table.
Another key aspect is to practice patience and discipline. You will lose money online at some point, but if you keep working on your skills and continue to learn from the game, you can eventually win more than you lose. Practice patience by playing within your comfort zone, seek out feedback from more experienced players and be willing to change your strategy as needed.
Another benefit of online poker is that you will see a lot more hands. When playing live, you may see 25-30 hands per hour, but when you play online, you will likely see 75-100 hands per hour. This can be overwhelming, but the best players understand that you need to play more hands to have a greater chance of success.